Missing Children Policy

Ultimate Cricket Championship (UCC) – Missing Children Policy

1. Scope and Application

1.1 Nimble Sports and Events Private Limited (Company) holds the responsibility for the administration and management of the Ultimate Cricket Championship (UCC), and this Missing Children Policy is an integral component of the UCC, adopted and executed by the Company. The issuance of this Missing Children Policy by the Company aims to establish a comprehensive framework that ensures the safety and security of all participants within the UCC premises.

2. Conduct of Officials

2.1 All officials associated with the UCC are expected to adhere to the rules and regulations set forth in this Missing Children Policy.

2.2 The staff members are expected to follow the following guidelines:

  • a) Regularly count the number of children in their respective groups to ensure the absence of any missing individuals.
  • b) Implement a policy whereby no child is allowed to leave their group or the premises without notifying their coach or other authorized officials, volunteers, or supervisors.
  • c) Encourage a practice where children within a group promptly inform officials if they observe that anyone within the group is missing.
  • d) Maintain vigilant oversight over participants waiting on the sidelines during activities to prevent any loss of track.
  • e) Prevent instances where children remain idle for extended periods, as idle children might seek alternative activities and inadvertently leave the group setting.

3. Protocol to be Followed

3.1 If a child is found to be missing, the following protocol must be diligently observed:

  • a) Thoroughly inquire about the missing child and their potential whereabouts before making any assumptions.
  • b) Notify UCC officials immediately, enabling them to initiate an official search both within the premises and its surroundings.
  • c) Monitor the entry and exit points to prevent any unauthorized departure.
  • d) Conduct a thorough search of the immediate vicinity and the adjacent perimeter.
  • e) If despite exhaustive efforts the child cannot be located, consult with the child’s guardian and, if necessary, report the case to the appropriate authorities.
  • f) At any point during this process, if an individual is noticed who appears out of place or unfamiliar, UCC officials or staff must be promptly alerted.

4. Safety Standards

4.1 Throughout the entirety of the UCC Tournament and Selection Camps, officials are required to ensure strict compliance with all safety standards. These standards encompass the presence of paramedics, medical professionals, security personnel, qualified coaches, and appropriate equipment and kits, all aimed at preventing any untoward incidents.

5. Amendment & Interpretation

  • a) The Missing Children Policy may be revised periodically by UCC, with amendments becoming effective on the date specified by UCC.
  • b) The headings utilized in the different sections of the Missing Children Policy are purely for guidance purposes and do not form a substantive part of the policy’s content or influence the language of the provisions they reference.
  • c) Should any article or provision within the Missing Children Policy be deemed invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, the policy shall remain intact except for the invalidated portion, which shall be treated as deleted.

6. Contact Information

In the event of a child going missing within or around the premises, an assigned UCC official shall manage all communication relating to such cases, ensuring accurate information dissemination and preventing the spread of inaccurate rumors that could potentially tarnish the reputation of UCC.

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