Anti Racism Code

Ultimate Cricket Championship (UCC) – Anti-Racism Policy

Scope and Application

1.1 Name: Nimble Sports and Events Private Limited (hereafter referred to as the “Company”) is responsible for overseeing the operations of the Ultimate Cricket Championship (UCC). This Anti-Racism Policy, pertaining to players and Team Officials, also referred to as the “Anti-Racism Code,” is adopted and integrated as an integral component of the UCC.

1.2 Purpose: By instituting this Anti-Racism Code, the Company aims to establish an effective framework ensuring that all participants, including Players and Team Officials, maintain conduct that is both appropriate and free from behavior that may be construed as racially and/or religiously offensive. Instances of improper conduct of this nature will be addressed fairly and expeditiously by the Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee.

Conduct of Participants

2.1 Binding Obligation: All Players and Team Officials automatically become bound by and are required to adhere to all provisions set forth in the Anti-Racism Code.

2.2 Agreements: All players and team officials hereby agree:

a) It is their individual responsibility to familiarize themselves with all requirements specified within the Anti-Racism Code. This includes a comprehensive understanding of what constitutes an offense under the code.

b) To accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee in hearing and deciding charges brought forward in accordance with the Anti-Racism Code.

c) Not to initiate legal proceedings in any court or forum that contradicts the foregoing submission to the jurisdiction of the Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee.

d) Actions deemed prohibited under the Anti-Racism Code may also potentially breach other pertinent laws or regulations. The Anti-Racism Code serves as an additional framework of professional conduct, complementing such laws and regulations for individuals involved in cricket. It is not intended to prejudice or undermine the application of these legal frameworks. Players and Player support personnel must remain in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations at all times.


3.1 Defined Offenses: The Anti-Racism Code identifies the following behavior, if committed by a Player or Team Official during or in connection with a Match, as an offense under this Code:

“Anti-Racism” encompasses engaging in any behavior, whether through language, gestures, or other means, that is reasonably likely to insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten, belittle, offend, or vilify any person in the position of a Player, Team Official, Umpire, Match Referee, or any other individual, including Spectators. Such conduct is based on factors such as Race, Religion, Culture, Color, Descent, National or Ethnic origin.


4.1 Imposing Sanctions: Upon determination by the Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee that an offense under the Anti-Racism Code has been committed, suitable sanctions will be applied to the Player or Team Official in question.

4.2 Suspension and Termination: The Management Committee/Disciplinary Committee will evaluate the duration of suspension for the Player/Team Official based on the gravity of the offense. Additionally, the committee retains the authority to revoke the current participation privileges of the Player/Team Official within UCC, depending on the severity of the committed offense.

4.3 The decision of the Disciplinary Committee/Management Committee shall be conclusive and binding on all stakeholders.

Amendments and Interpretation

5.1 Amendment Authority: The Company holds the prerogative to amend the Anti-Racism Code as needed, with the amendments taking effect on dates specified by the Company.

5.2 Heading Clarification: The headings utilized for the various articles of the Anti-Racism Code are provided for the purpose of clarity and guidance. They are not to be considered integral to the content or intended to influence the language of the referenced provisions.

5.3 In the event that any article or provision of the Anti-Racism Code is deemed invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, the Anti-Racism Code shall remain otherwise intact, except for the invalid, unenforceable, or illegal portion, which shall be deemed removed to the extent of its invalidity, unenforceability, or illegality.

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